Moving Newtown Forward: Biking for Gun Control
For the five years when his family lived in Newtown, Conn. and his daughters happily attended Sandy Hook School, renowned for its excellent teachers and nurturing environment,
BOMA Westchester President Bill Muzzio recalls the closely knit town as a "great community that we were so happy to join."
Now, following the shooting tragedy that has raised the national conscience as never before to do something constructive and positive about gun control, Bill is calling on fellow biking enthusiasts to join him as part of Team 26’s ride on Washington, DC. The ride will take place March 9-12 to deliver a message to Congress "and demand it pass reasonable laws to curb unnecessary gun violence."
Team 26 will be led by a Newtown police officer and includes cyclists from across the East Coast, including teachers and parents. For Bill it is also important that the town is remembered not for the death of the 20 helpless children, but as a name that will stand for reasonable gun control, or as one Team 26 member responded, "For peace."