With this Kind of Support, The Kids Will be Alright!

Shown from left to right: Louis and Jessica Mantia; Jim Halpin and Joseph Szabo

Join us in saluting three outstanding BOMA/NY members as they are honored this spring by two of the New York area’s leading charities focusing on the needs of children.

Board Director Louis J. Mantia of Cushman & Wakefield, Inc., who completed his two-terms as BOMA/NY President at the end of 2013, was honored alongside his wife Jessica as Partners in Mercy by the Mercy Home for Children. Jim Halpin, who heads Platinum Maintenance Services Corp. and has been a multi-decade supporter of BOMA/NY and its many programs, was honored as a Friend in Mercy. The Home provides outstanding services to the developmentally challenged of all races and creeds, and has dedicated itself for more than 150 years to providing them with a life of dignity that recognizes their "absolute right to a life filled with learning and love." The honors were given at Mercy Home’s Annual luncheon April 19. For coverage of the event, please visit http://www.mercyhomeny.org/#!

Joseph Szabo, also a BOMA/NY Board Director and Managing Director of Global Operations for Tishman Speyer Properties, is this year’s Covenant House Honoree at their annual Lifeline Award Event. The gala funds the invaluable work of this pioneering charity, which first brought attention to the plight of runaway children in 1972. It assists thousands of disadvantaged youth across the Western Hemisphere by providing runaway, homeless or street youth with a safe place to stay, and the support to transition to positive lifestyles. The gala will be held Thursday, April 30 and tickets are available at https://journal.eventjournal.com/shop.php/616/catalog/tickets.
