Call for Judges: Get involved with "your" BOMA/NY
Our Pinnacle Awards Committee is looking for committed individuals to judge the Pinnacle Awards in all award categories for 2017.
Being a Pinnacle
judge has its benefits. You’ll have the opportunity to see how other buildings perform at the top of their game, learn new best practices and be inspired by the Pinnacle's commitment to excellence.
During the
Pinnacle season, judges have two responsibilities: read the entry book submission and participate in the required on-site building tour. Your participation as a
judge will give you the opportunity to gain a greater insight of the industry’s
Preferred candidates must possess the following:
>You must work for a Member
>Have at least 3 years of experience in commercial building management or in a related field.
If you are interested in becoming a judge, contact Ami Shah, Director of Membership and Special Events at
We are also looking for new committee members to join one of our committees listed below.
>Codes & Regulations/Government Affairs Fields government advocacy teams, critical issue task forces and subcommittees on laws, codes and regulations
>Energy/Sustainability Disseminates knowledge on planning, managing and using energy; encourages sustainability
>Preparedness Identifies/disseminates information, advice and standards on emergency preparedness and building security; acts as a quick response team in emergencies
>Membership Promotes membership, recruits members and reviews membership applications
>Professional Development Develops/produces timely, informative seminars
Get involved at:
Angelo Grima Bids A Pinnacle Farewell, Tom Krol Steps up to Pinnacle Chair
At last night's Pinnacle ceremony, we said good-bye to Angelo Grima, who hosted the Pinnacles as Chair, for the past two years. This recent tour of duty was an encore to his emcee duties when he served as BOMA/NY President from 2008-09.
Stepping into the spotlight, is the Vice Chair, who you may already know for his outstanding work and host abilities as Pinnacle Vice Chair, and Chair of the Operating Office Building Subcommittee--Tom Krol. Tom, pictured here at left, has been on stage for the Pinnacles for most of the past decade, and we wish him the best of luck!