The BOMA International Winter Business Meeting took place from January 28 to January 31 in San Diego, CA. As always, the legislative agenda was packed. First, I met with my colleagues and their Members from around the country, as well as BOMA International staff, for 5 hours to cover all the work BOMA International is doing and to review local issues. Each state or locality faces its own issues and its own political landscape, but there are commonalities as well. This year, many cities seemed to be seeking ways to solve homelessness issues.
There was a similar, though shorter, meeting on codes and regulations. One major theme that arose was the need for locals to work in the code-making process. Whenever relevant, we at BOMA/NY share BOMA’s codes priorities with the officials who vote on code changes. We also, of course, have a strong and active Codes and Regulations/Government Affairs Committee that also takes on local codes, laws, rules, and regulations.
Finally, there was a meeting of the Preparedness Committee. As has been the case for a little while, most participants are focused on lone wolf types of attacks, such as active shooters. Many localities and other entities are working hard to train employees and/or tenants so they will be ready for any such emergency.