Metro Vancouver: Annual Watering Restrictions Begin May 1st/23

In 2022, lawn watering was reduced to one day per week during Stage 1, with a complete ban on lawn watering in Stage 2.

The heat dome in 2021 highlighted the need for more proactive measures to conserve the region’s annual water supply. This was reemphasized in 2022 with the extended hot dry summer that lasted well into October and required us to extend our watering restrictions to the end of October. We will continue to face severe weather events that put stresses on our water system, and we need to be prepared for the uncertain weather patterns that climate change is bringing. Successful conservation across the region will help us to continue to deliver drinking water to the increasing number of people who call Metro Vancouver home. Additionally, sustainable lawn care and landscaping practices can help your customers prepare for changing weather patterns, to continue to enjoy their green spaces.

Reducing lawn watering remains the most effective way to ensure we are using our drinking water wisely during the summer months when demand is highest and rainfall is lowest. One morning per week provides adequate watering time to maintain a healthy lawn and achieve further water use reductions. Watering trees, shrubs and flowers is permitted any day of the week.

Watering restrictions under Stage 1 are as follows:



In cases of mixed zoning (where commercial or industrial uses are on the same property as residential), the property is designated as “Non-Residential.”

Watering soil-based and sand-based playing fields are permitted as follows:

 Learn more about Metro Vancouver’s water conservation resources