Tête-à-Tête 2025

February 26
Ottawa, ON
Save the date for the highly anticipated Tête-à-Tête 2025 happening at the EY Centre in Ottawa. Tête-à-Tête will once again unite leaders from associations, not-for-profits and government agencies nationwide.

Book Your Booth
Be a pivotal part of the action at Tête-à-Tête 2025! Showcase your products and services to leaders from associations, not-for-profits and government organizations across the nation.

Western Summit 2025

April 23-25
Edmonton, AB
Modeled after The Summer Summit, which has successfully delivered professional development and networking opportunities to association executives over the past 17 years, the Western Summit is poised to attract audiences from associations across Western Canada. This two-day program involves multi-speaker panels, concurrent and plenary sessions. Early-bird registration for association executives is open now.

Call for Proposals
The Western Summit's educational program will consist of 12 concurrent sessions. Attendees are looking for new ideas and a level of discussion to advance their combined efforts to better support their association, members and volunteers. Submit your session today.

Annual General Meeting: October 22

CSAE members are invited to join us for CSAE’s Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 12:00 pm ET. Once again, this year’s AGM will be held on a virtual platform. Watch your inbox this month for the details, including materials and instructions.

CSAE 2024: Connection

Emerging Leaders Bursary
Ottawa Tourism and Shaw Centre are sponsoring 10 emerging leaders' Conference registrations! Apply to be considered to receive a FREE full registration for the 2024 CSAE Conference taking place in Ottawa, ON, October 29-November 1.

Walk-In Wednesday – October 2

Do you have questions about your member benefits, programs and services? Need some guidance to update your online profile? Just want to touch base “face to face”? We’re here for you! Drop in to our virtual Walk-In Wednesday next month at 1:00-2:00 pm ET.