July, 2011 Past Issues | www.ccbo.org | Advertise

Did You Renew Your Membership?

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Don’t miss a single day of your CCBO membership and benefits! 2010-2011 memberships ended June 30, 2011. Invoices were mailing out to primary membership contacts. If you have not yet renewed, you can simply go online at www.ccbo.org to renew and update your membership information, or contact our national office at 434-293-2825. Any changes to your institution’s member representatives can be emailed to info@ccbo.org.

What’s the value for me and my institution?

We’re sure you have directly experienced beneficial connections and resources through CCBO:
• Online member directory, Job Opportunities Board
• Comprehensive professional development through conferences and webinars
• Informative publications such as the quarterly Bottom Line newsletter

But did you realize that anyone at your institution can also take advantage of these benefits? Yes, it’s true. As of this year a new benefit is that we are now offering an unlimited number of members on each institution’s membership! So email info@ccbo.org and let us know who we can add from your school!

How can I get even more out of my membership?

Our members consistently tell us that the more they get involved, the more value they receive.
• Consider volunteering for a committee;
• Reply to colleagues on the listserv;
• Be counted in a survey;
• Update your contact information
• Tell us about your best practices so we can profile you in our newsletter, educational sessions or programs!

We need your feedback and involvement!

Renew your CCBO membership TODAY!

If you would like more information on your membership and benefits, please visit our website or contact Heather Brown, Managing Director, at heather@ccbo.org or 434-293-2825, ext. 228.

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The Bottom Line
Community College Business Officers
3 Boar's Head Lane, Suite B | Charlottesville, VA 22903
Email:  info@ccbo.org | www.ccbo.org
Phone:  434.293.2825 | Fax:  434.245.8453