October 2012 Past Issues | www.ccbo.org | Advertise

President's Corner

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"Can you hear me now?"......"Can you hear me now?"

That often-repeated phrase from a cellular phone commercial goes through my head as I pen my first President’s Corner. Why? Because I can’t see you and you can’t see me. But somehow, we are connected – you and me, you and CCBO, CCBO and our business partners...we are all connected. In the community college world, connectivity counts.

At each of our colleges, the various aspects of our business operations provide the infrastructure for connectivity. We can look at ourselves as Avenues of Accounting, Parkways for Purchases, Conduits for Cash Flow, Freeways for Facilities, Corridors of Convergent Technologies, Wagon Wheels of Wages, Financial Networks and Highways for Human Resources. In short, we are the Runways for Resources.

"Can you hear me now?"

If our business operations are all that, what does that make CCBO? Comprised of hundreds of business officers and business operations professionals, CCBO is the Cartographic Collective that maps the avenues, parkways, conduits, freeways, corridors, highways and networks that have been built by and are maintained within college business operations. Through your participation in CCBO, our connectivity is refined and our connections are kept clear and intelligible. Through your participation in CCBO we access combined talent that exceeds the sum of its parts.

"Can you hear me now?"

...Ed DesPlas

Happy Chef Uniforms, Inc.
Jack In The Box Restaurants

The Bottom Line
Community College Business Officers
3 Boar's Head Lane, Suite B | Charlottesville, VA 22903
Email:  info@ccbo.org | www.ccbo.org
Phone:  434.293.2825 | Fax:  434.245.8453