July 2014 Past Issues | www.ccbo.org | Advertise

Didn’t catch a webinar? View the recordings now!

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CCBO is now providing our members the recordings to past webinars. Whether you couldn't attend, missed a concept during the presentation, or just need to refresh your memory, CCBO education is now available at your finger tips:

PCI DSS and the Business Office
Hackers, data thieves, disgruntled employees, end-user errors... Discover the most common source of data security breaches and how the payment card industry data security standard (PCI DSS) plays a critical role in helping you secure payment card data. Join us to learn more about the PCI DSS and what it takes to become and maintain compliance with the PCI DSS. Watch the recording now.

Don't Pave Paradise; Don't Put Up a Parking Lot
Join us for a presentation on how a downtown college campus solved their parking issues. El Centro College, a campus of the Dallas County Community College District located in the heart of downtown Dallas, earned the 2013 Exemplary Practices Award for its "DART Free" program. Discover how El Centro College overcame parking conundrums and increased college enrollment by providing a parking solution at no extra cost for their students. Watch the recording now.

The Municipal Bond Market and Community Colleges' Borrowing Plans
Participants will learn about the numerous factors that impact the municipal bond market. From the amount of municipal bond supply to activities of the Federal Reserve and the state of local, state and national economies and more, this session will explain what factors can impact a community college’s cost of borrowing. Watch the recording now.


The Bottom Line
Community College Business Officers
3 Boar's Head Lane, Suite B | Charlottesville, VA 22903
Email:  info@ccbo.org | www.ccbo.org
Phone:  434.293.2825 | Fax:  434.245.8453