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President's Corner

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By Suzette Senn 

As we march into 2017 with another conference just around the corner, I wanted to take some time to reflect on the 2016 annual conference. Most of all, I would like to thank the countless attendees and business partners who worked to make this event a success. Without each and every one of you, the Community College Business Officers organization would cease to exist.  

The Contemporary Hotel in Walt Disney World was a spectacular venue. The food was exquisite and the entertainment was enjoyable. Our general and educational sessions were filled with valuable information and presented by very wise people who are in the know! The networking and fellowship opportunities at the conference were invaluable. Our Leadership Academy was a success with our new participants beginning their journey in this educational environment and our second year participants graduating.  

The Community College Business Officers organization promotes the fact we all have one common thread, we are ALL Community College Business Officers promoting the success of all of our students at our various institutions. I look forward to seeing you at the 2017 CCBO annual conference in New Orleans. I challenge you to bring a peer from your institution and your sister institutions to participate in the Leadership Academy and/or to attend our annual conference.

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