President's Corner

As I mentioned before, one thing we can all count on is CHANGE. One of the many changes in the near future for CCBO is a change in the Executive Director position. Dr. Bob Hassmiller is retiring after many years of service to CCBO, NACAS and the higher education community. As we reflect on Dr. Bob’s tremendous career and wish him the best in his retirement, please take some time to think about your own career. What have you accomplished and what do you still have time to accomplish before your own retirement? What are you most proud of -professionally and personally? How can you focus on making the years ahead worth remembering and celebrating?

I have always found inspiration at the CCBO conference. I have always learned something new and beneficial at CCBO. I find that connecting with other business office personnel is the best way for me to learn.

Ed DesPlas and Heather Brown have been working very hard to make the upcoming 30th CCBO conference the greatest in CCBO history! Please take this opportunity to learn, network and exchange ideas with other community college business office professionals. You may just find the inspiration you need to make the upcoming years the best in your career!

See you in Orlando!

Sandra Marek
Director of Business Services
Moberly Area Community College