Executive Director's View

These are exciting, challenging and creative times for community colleges and the New Year does not bring any welcome relief. The simple fact is that we must plan and prepare even more aggressively to look for opportunities and solutions that support our institutions and the communities we serve.

All types of business partnerships, educational programs and member engagement activities are the type of actions I believe that CCBO can deliver to best serve our members in support of addressing the continued challenges.

After nearly four months on the job, I am getting a better understanding of the resources and tools available to CCBO and its members, and I am learning that there are many allies and partners eager to help move the mission of CCBO forward.

I have started looking at how to better provide our members with important and valuable information that not only affects the auxiliary service practice, but also provides new and timely information about the broader things affecting higher education. I will be sharing articles on our web site and I invite you also to share information you think would be helpful. CCBO is positioned to provide leadership to support many of our colleagues in higher education and the ability to freely share knowledge is among our greatest assets.

Finally, as we continue to assess all that impacts the way we do business and the changing demographics on campus, I am fully prepared to engage the membership of CCBO in conversation that helps keep our operations and institutions moving forward. This is going to be a great new year for us to continue to grow our community of business professionals in higher education.