Executive Director's View

Executive Director's View
By Ron Campbell

CCBO is moving forward to a fast pace to bring you the most comprehensive and exciting annual conference in years. This year’s annual conference will be held in beautiful Palm Springs, CA, September 28 – October 1, 2013. We hope that you make plans to come and invite another colleague to attend from your campus.

I am learning about the unique qualities of CCBO that make it special, and most of all it’s the people. We recently returned from the CCBO spring Board meeting in Palm Springs, and I can tell you the passion and excitement of this group to deliver the best professional and social experience speaks volumes to me about their commitment to make CCBO the best association for you.

CCBO is going to be showcased this year at the American Association for Community College annual conference in San Francisco, CA, April 20-23, 2013. We will be hosting at a roundtable event with 11 other community college affiliate organizations. If you’re at the conference, please stop by and show your support.

This year we are looking at renewing our contract relationship with NACAS, and I am in the process of developing a new management contract for the CCBO Board final approval at the Annual Conference in Palms Springs. We all hope that the services and programs that can be provided by NACAS will continue to support CCBO in its desire to grow and become the premier association for community college business officers.

Finally, I hope that you all will continue your support of CCBO as we start to design specific webinars and other professional development programs that speak to your needs and give you what you expect from your professional association. I will be traveling the country on behalf of CCBO to attend state meetings of community college business officers and learning how we at CCBO can partner and collaborate on programs that need to happen more than once a year and not only at an annual conference.

I’m having a great time learning and meeting many new wonderful people who are passionate about community colleges and their business officers’ association. Please reach out to me and let me know what ideas you have or that you want to be involved, and I’ll be sure to listen and connect you in where your talents provide the most benefit.

Thanks for taking the time to support CCBO.