CCBO Welcomes Brad McCormick as 2014 President

At the Business Meeting in Palm Springs, Past President Ed DesPlas ceremoniously handed his gavel over to our new President, Brad McCormick of John A. Logan College. As every President-elect before him, Brad served this year as Conference Chair and put a lot of effort into making the 2013 Conference a success. Be sure to read his reflection on his time in Palm Springs in the President’s Corner.

In addition to the regular changes in the Executive Committee, we welcome two new board members. David Browning of El Centro College will be the new Region 4 representative as Dr. Tangila Dove takes on the role of Vice President of Regional Services. Formerly held by Keith Houck, the new Special Initiatives Member will be Russell Litke of San Juan College. Keith will be the new AACC Liaison for CCBO.

At the closing Awards Dinner on Tuesday evening, Brad McCormick thanked Ed DesPlas for his year of service as President.

To see a full list of the CCBO Board of Directors, visit the CCBO website.