Palm Springs Entertains

The reception at the Masters Plaza on Saturday evening set the festive mood for the rest of the conference. Attendees mingled, introduced themselves to new members, and enjoyed delicious food while soaking in the beautiful scenery of Palm Springs. Musician C.G. Ryche performed throughout the event, and provided lively and unique entertainment to the attendees.
Attendees then had the option of attending a scenic and educational tour of Palm Springs' windmills, fault line, and mountain peaks. First, the tour bus weaved in and out of the 4,000 windmills in Palm Springs, with the knowledgeable tour guide teaching us about the different types of windmills, the controversies surrounding their placement in Palm Springs, and numerous other facts and details.

After the windmill tour left us with enough information to start our own windmill farm, we headed to the fault line to get in touch with nature and learn more about the area's geologic history and the river running through it.
From there, the brave tour goers climbed aboard an aerial tram that went up thousands of feet to the 10,804 foot peak of San Jacinto. The views were breathtaking, and the mountain air was fresh and crisp.

Pictured left: The Palm Springs aerial tram car traveling up the mountain.

CCBO members and staff enjoying the views overlooking Palm Springs.