Executive Director's View

A year ago at this time, I wrote that these are exciting, challenging and creative times for community colleges and the new year does not bring any welcome relief. The simple fact is that we must plan and prepare to continue to look at opportunities and solutions that support our institutions and the community we serve.

What I observe a year later is that community colleges, in particular the community college business officers, have responded to the challenges.

Community college business officers multi task, keeping one eye on the present operations while preparing to lead their campuses to confront future challenges.

Community college business officers balance the demands of limited resources with the pressing opportunities of building new facilities, and they accept the challenge of educating more students.

CCBO is committed to becoming a leading resource and partner to help move the mission of community colleges forward.

My vision for CCBO in 2014 is to once again continue to make outreach efforts and engage us all in the valuable experience of learning from the professional diversity that can move CCBO and community colleges forward.

CCBO will offer new and meaningful webinars; the Leadership Academy for business officers will be the best yet; and the annual conference in San Antonio, TX, will offer professional development programs, business solutions and interactions with colleagues to help you and your institution move forward.

CCBO has a great core of volunteer leadership and members who understand the value of partnership and are committed to the growth of community colleges.

We invite you to join us this year, and we wish you all the best in 2014.  

Ron Campbell, CASP
Executive Director