Managing Director's View

In September 2013, the CCBO Board of Directors approved the 2014-2016 Strategic Plan. It comprises six components, providing direction in areas such as professional development, membership, finances, the annual conference, and technology. Now that a year has passed, we have begun to measure our progress within each of the strategic areas, and I am proud to say that as a team we have made significant progress on our goals. With the help of our newly formed committees and the volunteers who serve on them, the Board of Directors, and the national office staff, we have pulled together to continue to enhance CCBO and provide our members what they need. 

The six components of the strategic plan are:
  1. Develop and provide best in class professional development programs for community college business officers. 
  2. Continue to enhance CCBO’s position as a premier association.
  3. Build the membership.
  4. Generate and manage financial resources to accomplish goals.
  5. Continue to improve the CCBO Annual Conference.
  6. Maximize the use of technology and communications resources to fulfill the strategic direction of CCBO.
The five committees have provided the guidance and leadership for the Association as we strive to accomplish these goals. The professional development committee was integral in launching the First Friday webinar series, which has both drawn new members and increased member engagement by delivering education, solutions, and new ideas at no extra cost to our members. The awards committee recognized those business officers who have achieved excellence, a prestigious honor that enhances the position of the Association. In order to better understand what value we could offer non-members, the membership and marketing committees joined in an outreach to those members who recently decided not to renew their membership. The audit and finance committee developed a budget that reflects the goals of the strategic plan, to include more marketing funds and resources to partner with other professional associations. If you attended the 32nd Annual International Conference in San Antonio, you saw firsthand the outcome of the annual conference committee’s work over the past year. The conference had its highest attendance and the most program submissions in recent years, and as a result the education and networking opportunities were exceptional.

CCBO will continue to enhance its position as the premier association for community college business officers. In 2014, CCBO had a presence at various state association meetings: the Texas Association of Community College Business Officers (TACCBO), the Illinois Community College Chief Financial Officers (ICCCFO), and the Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges (MACJC). As we look forward to 2015, CCBO will continue to build these partnerships along with its affiliation with the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). 

In addition, we will begin outreach to specific areas of the country with a targeted focus on California and Arizona. I also encourage each of you to discuss CCBO with your colleagues in your state associations. "Build the membership" does not just call for a numerical increase; it also urges us to diversify our membership.

It’s only been a year since the strategic plan has been implemented, but we have already shown significant progress. It’s the teamwork that makes it happen, and CCBO could not have done it without our volunteers. Thank you to all who have helped make 2014 such a success!

Lillian De Lisle
CCBO Managing Director