President's Corner

Student Success: Changing The Game!  At the 2015 CCBO Annual International Conference in Las Vegas, Community College Business Officers enhanced our learning about our continuous journey of supporting and enhancing the student learning environment at our community colleges.  Business Officers must be quick to adapt to the ongoing changes and still play our role as it relates to the overall impact of Community College Student success. 
This year, I am proud to announce that we had 151 attendees, 28 Leadership Academy participants, 22 exhibitors, and 23 educational sessions at the 2015 CCBO Annual International Conference.
Business Officers play an important role in the overall student success of our respective institutions. We provide the means to reach the overall goal of student success.  The best way for members to get involved in CCBO is through one of our five committees: Membership and Marketing, Annual Conference, Audit and Finance, Professional Development and Awards. The membership is only for one year, unless you would like to stay on longer - that is always welcome. The current list of committees is on the website. Please take a look, and if you are interested in joining, please let Emily Welty, managing director, know and she will be happy to add you to the list.
What a great conference it was that focused on how business officers positively impact student success, workforce development, construction management, and even some personal development.  I look forward to seeing each of you next year in Orlando!
Tangila Dove, Ph.D.
CCBO President
Vice President of College Services
Northeast Lakeview College