President's Corner

By Suzette Senn

Spring has officially arrived! This is a time of rejuvenation and new beginnings!  There are new items to report at CCBO. 

Dawn Vinberg has stepped down as our President-Elect to move on with other ventures in her career. Chris Murphy from Northeast Mississippi Community College has moved into the role of President-Elect and is now planning our upcoming conference to be held in New Orleans. Michael Heindl from Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is now our Vice President for Regional Services and also continues to serve in the role of Awards Committee Chair.  

I am so thankful that we have such committed members who are willing to give of their time to our great organization. The CCBO office has implemented a new database for our organization. Please go to the website, review it, and give us any feedback that you feel is important.

Registration for the conference is also available. Now is the time to get registered, book your hotel room, and plan your transportation to New Orleans. Please share our conference registration with your peers at your institution and in your state and any organizations that you may be a member of. Let’s increase our membership and our attendees at this year’s conference! 

Finally, please take time to smell the roses as you enter into this spring season. Enjoy each day to the fullest, be kind to one another and let others know that you care.