Letter from the President

CCBO Members,

I hope you are enjoying your summer and have found some time to relax! There are some important updates I would like to share with you about CCBO. Our Executive Director, Hans Weichhart, will be leaving CCBO at the end of the month to pursue an amazing career opportunity as the Chief Relationship Officer for the Educational Theatre Association. Hans has brought so much enthusiasm to CCBO and has caused us to move forward in so many ways. Your leadership will truly be missed! Lillian De Lisle will step in as the interim Executive Director. Lillian is a former Managing Director of CCBO and currently serves as the Associate Executive Director of NACAS. 

Longtime board member Dr. Betsy Summerfield will also be departing from CCBO at the end of the month. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors and the CCBO staff, we would like to publicly acknowledge and thank Betsy for her many years of service and dedication to the association! We look forward to her participation with the Leadership Academy in New Orleans, and wish her the very best in her future endeavors. 

Lastly but certainly not least, we would like to acknowledge the departure of our Leadership Academy Dean, Keith Houck. Keith has been a CCBO member and Leadership Academy Dean for many years. Keith will resign as Leadership Academy Dean, effective at the 2017 Annual Conference. Keith, we are very grateful for your support and expertise over the years, and we are fortunate to have had you! CCBO’s AACC Liaison, Brad McCormick, has accepted the role as the new Leadership Academy Dean and will work with Keith over the coming months to ensure a smooth transition.

Registration and award nominations for the Annual Conference and Leadership Academy are now open! I encourage you to get registered, book your hotel room, and plan your transportation to New Orleans.  Please share our conference registration with your peers at your institution, in your state and any organizations that you may be a member of. Additionally, please nominate your peers for our awards. This year we introduced a new award, honoring the late Bob Hassmiller, The Bob Hassmiller Award for Humanitarian Service. Bob was the Executive Director of CCBO for many years and we hope to commemorate him through this award.  

Wishing you all a safe and fun summer!