A Message from the Past President - Suzette Senn

Greetings and Happy New Year,

As your now Past President, I want to thank each and every one of you for your participation in CCBO this last year. CCBO featured some great webinars and our conference in New Orleans was awesome! We have much work ahead of us. It is so important that you as current members reach out to your peers at your institution and other sister institutions to increase the membership of CCBO. CCBO is the organization that promotes our common thread in community college business officers to network with one another and learn from each other. It is so beneficial, now more than ever with budget cuts and reduced enrollments, to reach out to our counterparts at other institutions to assist us in new processes. There is no need to have to recreate the wheel! Please reach out to our CCBO home office and offer any assistance that you can concerning membership enrollment and webinar presentations. I would also like to say a huge thank you to our business partners for continuing to support our organization. Our business partners are so important to the sustainability of our organization. I wish you all a happy, prosperous, and blessed new year in 2018! I am looking forward to seeing you in Phoenix!