the bottom LINE

Community College Business Officers

By Mike English

Executing a five-year financial projection can be a time consuming and complicated process, especially if you are starting the process for the first time. However, community college leaders that approach this type of project with a strategic perspective will understand that a financial projection is more than just a spreadsheet. A meaningful multi-year financial forecast can produce tremendous value for a community college—beyond the tables, charts, and graphs that are generated as output.

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By Joe Redwine

In light of Ellucian's recent announcement that the company will cease support for Banner 8 on December 31, 2018, Banner institutions across the nation are facing the challenge of how to leverage the upgrade investment as many cannot cut over to a new system by the end of 2018. CampusWorks is helping colleges and universities make the most of the upgrade requirement by standardizing business processes, diminishing customizations, and improving data quality. Addressing these issues now will position your institution for a move to the cloud when you’re ready.

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MBS Direct
By Suzette Senn

Spring has officially arrived! This is a time of rejuvenation and new beginnings! There are new items to report at CCBO.

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By Hans Weichhart

As a sixth generation Californian, I am used to the landscape coming to life in the winter, a short period of blossoming in the spring and then turning that golden yellow for the rest of the year. Living in Virginia now, I've witnessed my first spring where the long barren winter landscape has come back to life in spectacular fashion, with deep greens and floral colors.

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Halo Branded Solutions
In The News
College students live on ramen noodles. College students couch-surf. These popular images can obscure more ominous realities: hunger and the little acknowledged problem that some do not have a place to live at all. (New York Times)

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Connecticut system hopes for big savings by running 12 campuses centrally and combining back-office functions at colleges and universities. (Inside Higher Ed)

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In Texas, community college has long been a popular place to start working toward a bachelor’s degree. Soon, it may become a place to finish one, too. (Community College Daily)

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SUNY and CUNY students from families with incomes up to $125,000 will not pay tuition. But some aid experts are alarmed by requirement that graduates stay in state for same number of years they receive the benefit.

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Wells Fargo
Contact the CCBO National Office at (434) 293-2825 or If you are an institutional member or business partner interested in presenting a webinar, please view our presenter policies and guidelines, and contact Austin Bingler, Managing Director: / (434) 293-2825.

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April 26 | 3:00 pm ET

Join us as David Minutella responds to common misconceptions about Software as a Service (SaaS) and discusses what a SaaS campus card transaction system is capable of doing. Listen also as Andy Kean shares insights on what prompted Austin Peay State University to switch to a SaaS transaction system and what benefits they’ve experienced since their conversion.

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May 25 | 2:00 pm ET

Colleges and universities have a lot of data at their fingertips, but it is often challenging to find meaning behind the data. With the ability to sift through the massive amounts of data – from vending transactions to dining hall traffic to campus card data – auxiliary services can ensure the best outcomes for both the students and the institution. Hear how the University of Georgia has transformed the decision process within auxiliary service leadership by identifying behavioral trends and even lost revenue opportunities.

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Annual Conference
Discover innovative solutions for your campus through networking, education, and the exhibit hall. This is the conference where community college business professionals gather to grow. Learn best practices in educational sessions specifically tailored to your needs. Meet and build relationships with your colleagues from around the country. Explore current solutions from industry leading vendors in the exhibit hall.

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The 2017 Annual Conference will have three exciting Keynote Speakers! Topics include enrollment growth, the art of communication and, human performance improvement.

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Erbert & Gerbert's
Leadership Academy
The knowledge and learning shared in this program is the ONLY educational source geared directly FOR community college business officers, by community college business officers targeted FOR community colleges.

The cost is reasonable, the return outstanding. Your future and the future of your institution makes this a critically important decision with a truly positive return on investment that will pay over your lifetime.

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You work hard to bring success to your campus. Honor members of the profession by nominating yourself or a colleague for a CCBO award.

CCBO has three award categories and an award specifically intended to spotlight institutional excellence.

Deadline to submit: June 23, 2017

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Firehouse Subs
The Bottom Line
Community College Business Officers
3 Boar's Head Lane, Suite B | Charlottesville, VA 22903
Email: |
Phone:  434.293.2825 | Fax:  434.245.8453