Know What's Below
PelicanCorp was proud to support the CCGA 2019 Damage Prevention Symposium
PelicanCorp Canada
It was great seeing everyone in Niagara Falls, Ontario at CCGA19! There is no better venue to connect with damage prevention industry professionals, exchange ideas and expand knowledge on the protection of essential infrastructure in Canada and beyond. Thanks to all who connected with our team during the 3-day event. Congratulations to the trip giveaway winner, Jason Kostiw of TC Energy heading to the 2020 CGA Expo in Palm Springs!  
View Highlights of the Damage Prevention Symposium
Upcoming Events

Join us in Whistler, BC for the 2018 CCGA Damage Prevention Symposium and become part of Canada’s unified voice on damage prevention! Every year, the CCGA Symposium brings together members from organizations and associations across Canada who share the responsibility for preventing damage to underground infrastructure and for improving safety for our workers and the public.

The Damage Prevention Symposium is an excellent opportunity to network with your peers and other industries, and learn about the latest developments, technologies and trends for damage prevention in Canada.

Joignez-vous à nous à Whistler, en Colombie-Britannique, pour le Symposium sur la prévention des dommages de le CCGA de 2018 et faites partie de la voix collective en matière de prévention des dommages au Canada! Chaque année, le symposium de le CCGA réunit des membres au sein d'associations et d'organismes canadiens qui ont un partage des responsabilités pour trouver des solutions en termes de sécurité publique et de prévention des dommages.

Le Symposium sur la prévention des dommages est l’occasion idéale de faire du réseautage avec vos pairs et d'autres industries et de vous renseigner sur les derniers développements, technologiques et tendances en matière de prévention des dommages au Canada.

Pour en savoir plus...

Naylor Association Solutions
National News

Source: Think BIG Magazine

Saskatchewan Common Ground Alliance executive director Sally Cain published an article about DIRT in the Saskatchewan Heavy Construction Association's Think BIG magazine.

Source: Centre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies | SurveyMonkey

The Centre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies (CATT) is conducting a survey to better understand the current state of Sub-Surface Utility Engineering (SUE) practices, barriers and acceptance across Canada.

Source: CISION
Investing in green infrastructure helps Canada reduce its carbon footprint, creates a clean growth economy and increases our resilience against climate change.

The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, minister of infrastructure and communities, and Vicki-May Hamm, president of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), have announced over $37 million for 27 community infrastructure projects across the country.

Association News

I’m proud to announce the CCGA Damage Prevention Symposium has been approved for accreditation by the Canadian Construction Association National Gold Seal Committee!

The Gold Seal accreditation recognizes the CCGA’s dedication and commitment to providing quality construction management training and allows us to issue certificates.

Anyone attending the CCGA Symposium’s sessions this year can earn one Gold Seal credit.

If you haven’t registered yet for our symposium, please visit our website:

I look forward to seeing everyone in Whistler on October 30!

– Todd Scott


Je suis heureux d’annoncer que le symposium sur la prévention des dommages de le CCGA a été approuvée par le Comité national du Sceau d’or de l’Association canadienne de la construction!

L’accréditation du Sceau d’or reconnaît le dévouement et l’engagement de le CCGA de fournir une formation de qualité en gestion de la construction et nous permet d'émettre des certificats.

Quiconque participe aux sessions du symposium de le CCGA cette année peut obtenir un crédit du sceau d’or.

Veuillez visiter pour vous inscrire au symposium

J'ai hâte de vous voir à Whistler le 30 octobre!

– Todd Scott


The Government of Canada and the Canadian Common Ground Alliance (CCGA) are developing a new pilot project aimed at preventing damage to underground infrastructure.

The pilot project is a collaboration between Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) and the CCGA to coordinate notification processes before an excavation occurs on federal lands, as well as raise awareness for the protection of underground infrastructure across Canada.


Le gouvernement du Canada et le Canadian Common Ground Alliance (CCGA) développent actuellement un nouveau projet pilote ayant pour but de prévenir les dommages aux infrastructures souterraines.

Ce projet pilote, une collaboration entre Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada (SPAC) et le CCGA, vise à coordonner les processus de notification précédant l’exécution d’une excavation sur des terres fédérales ainsi qu’à sensibiliser le public à la protection des infrastructures souterraines au Canada.

Regional Partners

Source: Alberta Common Ground Alliance |

The British Columbia Common Ground Alliance (BCCGA) and the Alberta Common Ground Alliance (ABCGA) have now signed a licensing agreement for the new Ground Disturbance 201 Standard (British Columbia) which will facilitate the development of BC-specific branding on endorsed training certificates and promotion of the standard throughout the province.

The BC Common Ground Alliance is currently accepting applications to access the Ground Disturbance 201 Standard (British Columbia).


Each province in Canada has slight variations on how locates for buried utilities are requested to a One-Call centre, and each One-Call centre’s business rules vary, even when using the same software. However, in Western Canada, that will soon change.


Partout au Canada, chaque centre d’appel unique présente ses propres particularités tant dans la façon dont une demande de localisation est réalisée que dans leurs règles d’affaires, et ce, même s’ils utilisent le même logiciel.

Tout cela changera bientôt dans l’Ouest canadien.

Naylor Association Solutions
Membership News

by Ophir Wainer | T2 Utility Engineers

Professional engineers working on public and private infrastructure projects all too often encounter unexpected costs and delays due to inaccurate or incomplete utility drawings. We do not have accurate and reliable utility records that show the exact location of our underground utility infrastructure, and yet this information is crucial for mitigating risks, increasing efficiency, reducing costs and improving safety on constructions projects.

par: Ophir Wainer | T2 services d’ingénierie

Les ingénieurs travaillant sur des projets d'infrastructures publiques et privées rencontrent trop souvent des coûts imprévus et retard dus à des dessins inexacts ou incomplets. Nous n’avons pas des données précis et fiables des services publics qui montrent l'emplacement exact de nos infrastructures souterrains, et pourtant, cette information est cruciale pour l’atténuation des risques, accroitre l'efficacité, réduire les coûts et améliorer la sécurité sur les projets de construction.


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