Know What's Below
PelicanCorp was proud to support the CCGA 2019 Damage Prevention Symposium
PelicanCorp Canada
It was great seeing everyone in Niagara Falls, Ontario at CCGA19! There is no better venue to connect with damage prevention industry professionals, exchange ideas and expand knowledge on the protection of essential infrastructure in Canada and beyond. Thanks to all who connected with our team during the 3-day event. Congratulations to the trip giveaway winner, Jason Kostiw of TC Energy heading to the 2020 CGA Expo in Palm Springs!  
View Highlights of the Damage Prevention Symposium
Upcoming Events
This is a signature event for the ORCGA, attracting more than 250 damage prevention management professionals and decision makers from across Ontario, including stakeholder groups from the oil and gas, telecommunications, emergency management, electrical transmission and surveyor industries, as well as municipalities and provincial regulators.
Meet with colleagues to exchange industry information, focus on public awareness initiatives for damage prevention and expand stakeholder knowledge on provincial efforts to protect essential infrastructure.
Info-Excavation vous invite à la 13e édition de son congrès annuel qui aura lieu à Trois-Rivières.
Le congrès est une activité de formation reconnue selon le Règlement sur la formation continue obligatoire des ingénieurs et par Emploi-Québec (règle du 1 %)
Au plaisir de vous voir lors de notre congrès !
Reef Industries, Inc.
SafetyVantage Inc.
National News
Source: CBC News Edmonton
CBC News has published an article on frequent damages to buried utilities in Alberta and the push for damage prevention legislation in the province.
Source: Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA)
The latest in a blog post series about the performance of the pipeline industry as detailed in CEPA's 2018 Transmission Pipeline Industry Performance Report. This two-part blog post describes what a pipeline incident looks like and how companies respond.
Read more: Part 1, Part 2.
40 years as Canada's Premier Utility Contractor

Since 1978, we've delivered projects safely, on time and on budget. Valard has full-service capabilities for transmission, distribution, substations, foundations, telecommunications and renewable energy. In addition, Valard is head of the Valard Group of Companies, and part of the Quanta Group, the largest electrical power contractor in North America. We have the experience, knowledge and resources to take on any utility project, any size, any complexity, any place.
Association News
The Damage Information Reporting Tool (DIRT) is an initiative of the Common Ground Alliance (CGA) designed to capture data following reports of damage to buried facilities from excavation activities. DIRT allows industry stakeholders in Canada and the United States to submit data anonymously to a comprehensive database. The database is used to identify the characteristics, themes and contributing factors leading to damages. Such findings are summarized in an annual DIRT report.
This set of National Harmonized Best Practices 3.0 - 2018, which has been updated through the commitment and consensus of its members working together toward a safer Canada, is part of an ongoing effort to develop new damage prevention practices as well as improve existing ones. These practices represent a dynamic statement of the type of activities that CCGA believes would provide optimum levels of diligence towards preventing damage to underground infrastructure.
L’Outil de rapport sur les dommages aux infrastructures (ORDI) a été développé par le Common Ground Alliance (CGA). Il a été conçu afin d’enregistrer les données provenant des rapports de bris des infrastructures souterraines lors de travaux d’excavation. ORDI permet aux intervenants de l’industrie de l’excavation du Canada et des États- Unis d’entrer leurs données de manière anonyme dans une base de données détaillée. La base de données est utilisée afin de déterminer les caractéristiques, les causes et les facteurs contributifs entraînant les bris. Les conclusions sont résumées dans le rapport annuel ORDI.
La version 3.0 du Guide national des pratiques d’excellence harmonisées 2018 a été mise à jour grâce à l’engagement et au consensus des membres du CCGA qui ont su travailler ensemble afin d’améliorer la sécurité au Canada. Les efforts déployés ont servi à la création de nouvelles pratiques et à l’amélioration de celles déjà en place. Les pratiques d’excellence du CCGA représentent une description dynamique du type d’activités qui, selon le CCGA, pourrait offrir le niveau de rigueur optimal en prévention des dommages aux infrastructures souterraines.
Regional Partners
Source: Alberta Common Ground Alliance  |
Damage prevention legislation has been tabled in the Alberta Legislature and subsequently referred to committee. Bill 211, the Alberta Underground Infrastructure Notification System Consultation Act, would begin a consultation process with provincial stakeholders to develop recommendations for future damage prevention legislation in the province.
Source: Saskatchewan Common Ground Alliance
To celebrate 30 years of contractor breakfasts in Saskachewan, the SCGA will be hosting breakfasts at even more venues in 2019. The SCGA is anticipating a record number of attendees next year and has added a sign-up form on their website for subscribers to be notified when registration opens.
Sign up for updates here.
Source: Before You Dig Partners
Before You Dig Partners are extending the testing period for the new one-call software after delays shortened the time-frame for members and users to get involved in software testing.
The testing period has been extended by five weeks, and cutover has been pushed back until after the holiday season on January 11, 2019.
Members are encouraged to sign up for ticket testing. By signing up, you will receive test tickets from the new One Call system before the changes going live.

Before You Dig Partners are hosting a series of webinars for the new one-call software in Western Canada for Alberta One-Call, BC One-Call, and Click Before You Dig Manitoba.

Click here to sign up.

De : Info-Excavation |

Info-Excavation lance un appel aux conférenciers dans le cadre de la 13e édition de son congrès annuel qui se tiendra à Trois-Rivières du 20 au 22 février 2019.

Ce congrès est l’occasion pour les professionnels provenant de divers horizons d’échanger autour d’une cause commune, celle de la prévention des dommages aux infrastructures souterraines.

Si vous pensez avoir un cas vécu sur le terrain, une innovation, des mesures ou tout autre sujet d’intérêt en lien avec la prévention des dommages aux infrastructures souterraines, écrivez-nous au :

Naylor Association Solutions
Naylor Association Solutions

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