Year after year, the Excavation Safety Conference & Expo has attracted delagates from around the world, which has helped them develop meaningful discussion on damage prevention and safe excavation best practices, and to share ideas and learning from experts worldwide. In order to better represent the people and organizations, both domestic and international, that are involved in this major industry event, the conference is changing its name in 2021 to the Global Excavation Safety Conference.
The 2021 Global Excavation Safety Conference will be held in Tampa, Florida at the Tampa Convention Center from March 23 to 25.
The 2020 ORCGA Damage Prevention Symposium will be held February 11 to 13 at the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa.
The CGA 811 Excavation Safety Conference & Expo is the premiere international event dedicated to providing educational content and resources to help protect buried assets. Don’t miss your chance to take part in the event and take home information to help your business.
Atlantic Canada Water & Wastewater Association Conference October 6–8 Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel Halifax, Nova Scotia
APWA Excellence in Public Works Conference October 7–9 Cambridge Red Deer Hotel & Conference Centre Red Deer, Alberta
CanWEA Conference and Exhibition October 8–10 BMO Centre Calgary, Alberta
Municipal Equipment Expo October 9–10 Enercare Centre Toronto, Ontario
Salon industriel de la Mauricie, Estrie et du Centre-du-Québec October 9–10 Centrexpo Cogeco Drummondville, Quebec
BC Construction Health & Safety Conference October 24–25 Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront Vancouver, British Columbia
No-Dig North October 28–30 Telus Convention Centre Calgary, Alberta
BUILDEX Alberta November 6–7 BMO Centre Calgary, Alberta
Canadian Heavy Oil Association Fall Conference November 7 Hotel Arts Calgary, Alberta
Agri-Trade Equipment Expo November 6–8 Westerner Park Red Deer, Alberta
This event focuses on critical issues specific to Canadian stakeholders. This is an excellent opportunity to network with your peers from across Canada and share knowledge and ideas.
This year's CCGA Damage Prevention Symposium in Niagara Falls will feature a Damage Prevention Theatre situated among exhibitor booths on the exhibitor floor. The theatre will hold breakout sessions throughout the conference, creating considerable foot-traffic on the exhibit floor, and offers sponsorship opportunities promoting your brand.
Cet événement mettra l’accent sur les enjeux cruciaux propres aux parties prenantes canadiennes. Ce sera l’occasion idéale de faire du réseautage avec vos homologues de partout au Canada pour partager des idées et des connaissances communes.
Le symposium du CCGA sur la prévention des dommages qui aura lieu à Niagara Falls mettra en vedette un théâtre dédié à la prévention des dommages. Ce théâtre sera situé parmi les kiosques au niveau de la salle d’expositions. C’est dans ce théâtre qu’auront lieu les séances en atelier tout au long du symposium. Cela créera de l’achalandage dans la salle d’expositions et, par le fait même, une occasion idéale pour promouvoir votre entreprise par le biais de commandites.
Source: Info-Ex |
When talking to communications stakeholders who have firsthand experience with damage investigation, claims recovery and field operations, they all recognize that even if they recover all the actual repair costs, it is still only a fraction of the true costs.
Source: Alberta One-Call |
Beginning September 16, 2019, all contractor and one-call member locate requests in Alberta must be submitted online. Following a three-month grace period, this mandate will be enforced January 1, 2020.
You are invited to demonstrate your company's innovations and expertise in front of the damage prevention and buried infrastructure industries at the ORCGA's upcoming symposium.
The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2019.
It's a go! Preparations for the Info-Excavation 2020 Symposium, to be held from February 19 to 21 at the Lévis Convention Center, have begun! If you have a conference subject to submit, a case-study, ideas for improvements or damage prevention-related challenges, write to us at
The CGA 811 Excavation Safety Conference & Expo is the premiere international event dedicated to providing educational content and resources to help protect buried assets. Make a difference in the industry by connecting with those who can effect change.
De: Info-Ex |
Même s’ils reconnaissent qu’ils peuvent récupérer le montant total des coûts de réparations, les parties prenantes de l’industrie des télécommunications, ayant une expérience directe dans les enquêtes de dommages, dans les demandes de recouvrement et dans les opérations sur le terrain mentionnent que le montant récupéré représente seulement une fraction du coût réel.
C'est un départ ! Les préparatifs du congrès 2020 d'Info-Excavation, qui se tiendra du 19 au 21 février au centre des congrès de Lévis, sont débutés. Si vous avez un sujet de conférence à nous soumettre, un cas vécu, des idées d'améliorations, des défis rencontrés en lien avec la prévention, écrivez-nous au