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Upcoming Events

The Canadian Common Ground Alliance 2023 Damage Prevention Symposium is a dynamic and engaging event that will provide practical, relevant information focusing on damage prevention public awareness initiatives and expand stakeholder knowledge on efforts to protect essential infrastructure.

The format for the conference consists of three days of professional development, workshops, panel presentations, networking events, along with an exhibitor tradeshow. All sessions will be in English.



Le symposium 2023 sur la prévention des dommages du Canadian Common Ground Alliance est un événement dynamique et engageant qui fournira des informations pratiques et pertinentes sur les initiatives de sensibilisation du public sur la prévention des dommages et élargira les connaissances des parties prenantes sur les efforts déployés pour protéger les infrastructures essentielles.

Le format du symposium se compose de 3 jours de développement professionnel, d'ateliers, de présentations en panel, d'événements de réseautage, ainsi que d'un salon des exposants. Prenez note que toutes les conférences seront en anglais.


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National News

Source:  ReNew Canada

"KPMG in Canada in collaboration with the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) surveyed construction companies across Canada in 2020 and presented a Digital Maturity Assessment Tool to help advance the industry’s digital transformation. In 2023, KPMG relaunched an updated version of the survey, interviewing 275 Canadian companies to gauge the progress that the industry has made in adopting new technologies and transforming the way their organizations operate. The survey’s respondents represented all facets of the Canadian construction industry including owners, general contractors, suppliers, subcontractors, engineers, and architects. 

When KPMG conducted its 2020 survey, digital and technological maturity in the construction industry was 'fairly low.' The 2023 survey reveals the industry has made headway but more needs to be done. COVID-19 hastened their digital journeys: Over two thirds (67 per cent) of respondents say the pandemic spurred new investment in new technologies for their business."

Source:  Trenchless Technology

"In the underground infrastructure construction world, a good proverb to adhere to is, 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.' In this world, that ounce of prevention comes in the form of subsurface utility engineering (SUE), a branch of civil engineering practice dedicated to managing the risks of underground utilities.

SUE goes beyond designating and locating utilities and includes the review of utility data and managing the data in the form of maps and other digital models. It is a key component in the design phase of projects."

Data and Insight to Manage Utility Risk
T2 Utility Engineers®
T2 Utility Engineers (T2ue) specializes in the professional investigation and analysis of above and below-ground utilities. We provide comprehensive Utility Engineering consulting services, including Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE), CCTV, and utility coordination to help reduce damage from improperly recorded utilities and unknowns.
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Regional Partners

(October 11, 2023) – Derrick Mann, President of the Saskatchewan Common Ground Alliance (SCGA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Lisa Kosolofski as the new director for Sask 1st Call, Saskatchewan’s underground facility screening and notification service, now owned and managed by the SCGA.


(11 octobre 2023) – Derrick Mann, président de la Common Ground Alliance de la Saskatchewan (SCGA), est heureux d’annoncer la nomination de Lisa Kosolofski à titre de directrice du Sask 1st Call, le centre de traitement des demandes de localisation des infrastructures souterraines de la Saskatchewan, dont la SCGA est maintenant propriétaire et gestionnaire.


This  is a signature event for the ORCGA, attracting 250-plus damage prevention management professionals and decision makers from across Ontario. Stakeholder groups include engineers, contractors, municipal employees, field technicians, suppliers, business development managers, project estimators, infrastructure asset managers, oil, gas, electric transmission/distribution and telecommunication professionals, emergency management personnel, surveyors and provincial regulators. Meet with colleagues to exchange industry information, focus on public awareness initiatives for damage prevention and expand stakeholder knowledge on provincial efforts to protect essential infrastructure.

Click here to register! 

Cet événement phare de l’ORCGA attire plus de 250 dirigeants et professionnels dédiés à la gestion de la prévention des dommages de l’Ontario. Les intervenants comprennent des ingénieurs, des entrepreneurs, des employés municipaux, des techniciens sur le terrain, des fournisseurs, des responsables du développement des affaires, des estimateurs de projets, des gestionnaires d’infrastructure, des professionnels de la transmission/distribution de pétrole, de gaz, d’électricité et des télécommunications; du personnel de gestion des urgences, des arpenteurs et des organismes de réglementation provinciaux. Venez rencontrer des collègues afin de discuter de l’industrie et des initiatives de sensibilisation du public en matière de prévention des dommages, et d’élargir les connaissances des intervenants sur les efforts visant à protéger les infrastructures essentielles.


Utility Safety Partners invites you to join us at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel Feb. 26-28, 2024 as we celebrate 40 years delivering damage prevention services to Alberta and neighbouring provinces.

Attendees will be treated to two days of educational sessions focusing on innovation, best practices, technology, legislation, public awareness and training standards. We’ll also celebrate the leaders who shaped Alberta One-Call and unified Utility Safety Partners, and look ahead to what the future holds for buried and overhead energy and utility asset protection services.

Click here for more information and to register.

Utility Safety Partners vous invite au Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, du 26 au 28 février 2024, afin de célébrer ses 40 ans de services en matière de prévention des dommages en Alberta et dans les provinces voisines.

Les participants auront droit à deux jours d’ateliers de formation axés sur l’innovation, les pratiques d’excellence, la technologie, la législation, la sensibilisation du public et les normes de formation. Nous célébrerons également les leaders qui ont façonné l’Alberta One-Call et unifié les services offerts de l’Utility Safety Partners. Ensemble, nous examinerons les perspectives en fait de services dédiés à la protection des infrastructures aériennes et souterraines pour le transport d’énergie et les infrastructures de services publics.

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Today, more than ever, the ability to make a big impact with a small footprint is critical. Trenchless expertise has never been in higher demand, and Vermeer MV Solutions is the new powerhouse in vacuum excavation technology and equipment. Everything we do, everything we make, is designed to help you get the job done right. Fast. Effectively. And efficiently.
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