Know What's Below
Cut Locating Costs While Simplifying Workflows
PelicanCorp Canada®
More than mapping, Geolantis.360 is an end-to-end solution that streamlines locate workflows with detailed symbology, custom forms that auto-populate, professional reports your clients want to see, and much more.

Collect geospatial metadata for underground utilities, streamline your locate projects, and reduce overhead costs with Geolantis.360.
A Better Solution to Manage Locate Projects & Reduce Costs
Upcoming Events

Presented by,

The Delta Regina - Regina, Sask

Nov. 4-6, 2024

The Canadian Common Ground Alliance is excited to hold its 2024 Damage Prevention Symposium in person at the Delta Regina, Nov. 4-6, 2024!

This is a signature event for the CCGA attracting over 200 damage prevention management professionals and decision makers from across Canada, including stakeholder groups such as municipalities, excavator contractors, oil and gas, telecommunications, electrical transmission/distribution, water and sewer, telecom, emergency management, surveyors, regulators, trenchless industries, one call centre members, utility locate service providers and administrators, engineers, insurance, risk management operations, and others who protect the underground infrastructure and impact damage prevention.

Join us for this dynamic and engaging event that is sure to provide practical, relevant information that will focus on damage prevention public awareness initiatives and expand stakeholder knowledge on efforts to protect essential infrastructure.

The format for the conference consists of two days of professional development, workshops, panel presentations, networking events, along with an exhibitor tradeshow.  All symposium sessions and additional details on this website are in English only.

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Présenté Par,

Delta Hotels - Regina, Sask

Du 4 au 6 novembre 2024

Le Canadian Common Ground Alliance a le plaisir d'organiser en présentiel au Delta Regina son congrès 2024 sur la prévention des dommages du 4 au 6 novembre 2024 !

Cet événement phare du CCGA attire plus de 200 professionnels en prévention des dommages et décideurs provenant de tout le Canada, regroupant les différentes parties prenantes telles que les municipalités, les entrepreneurs en excavation, les propriétaires d'infrastructures (pipelines, gaz, télécommunications, transmission et distribution électrique, l'eau et les égouts), les arpenteurs-géomètres, les organismes réglementaires, les entreprises pratiquant les techniques sans tranchée, les centres d'appels, les localisateurs, les ingénieurs, les assurances, les opérations de gestion des risques et des urgences ainsi que toutes autres personnes protégeant les infrastructures souterraines ou ayant un impact sur la prévention des dommages.

Rejoignez-nous pour cet événement dynamique et captivant qui fournira des informations pratiques et pertinentes sur les initiatives de sensibilisation du public à la prévention des dommages et qui élargira les connaissances des parties prenantes sur les efforts visant à protéger les infrastructures essentielles.

Ce congrès comprend 2 jours de développement professionnel, d'ateliers, de panels, d'événements de réseautage ainsi qu'un salon des exposants.

Le programme et les détails supplémentaires sur ce site Web sont uniquement disponibles en anglais.

Détails supplémentaires du symposium..     Become a Sponsor..         Become an Exhibitor..  


Reef Industries, Inc.
Locate Management Institute
National News

Source: On-Site Magazine

"As the backbone of Canadian society, infrastructure plays a critical role in maintaining the quality of life that Canadians have come to enjoy. While, of late, there has been a spike in interest in constucting new roadways, mass transit systems, energy facilities, pipelines, and so forth, there's also a baseline need to maintain, replace and repair the existing structures that we need to move people and goods, and to stay safe and healthy in our homes and businesses. And despite recent increases in project counts and spending, infrastructure needs seem to always outpace spending."

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Source: Trenchless Technology Magazine

The Common Ground Alliance has published a special report that examines the contributing factors driving damages associated with locating practices across three case studies.

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Source: ReNew Canada

The First Nations Major Projects Coalition is hoping the federal government lives up to its commitment to establish a national Indigenous loan guarantee program, as outlined in its 2023 Fall Economic Statement.

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Source: ReNew Canada

Each year, ReNew Canada publishes an annual report highlighting the 100 largest public sector infrastructure projects in development in Canada. The report contains details on each of the projects, including location, cost, project overview, estimated date of completion, and a list of the key companies involved with the project.

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Data and Insight to Manage Utility Risk
T2 Utility Engineers®
T2 Utility Engineers (T2ue) specializes in the professional investigation and analysis of above and below-ground utilities. We provide comprehensive Utility Engineering consulting services, including Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE), CCTV, and utility coordination to help reduce damage from improperly recorded utilities and unknowns.
Learn more or get in touch
Regional Partners

On Jan. 2, 2003, SaskEnergy launched the organization with the familiar "Call Before You Dig" messaging.

"There were notification companies in other provinces like Ontario and Alberta. Companies that crossed over borders really saw the value in having a notification service in Saskatchewan, too," says Shawn Fairman, general manager, distribution customer services and vice-president of the new Sask 1st Call board of directors.

"It made sense for SaskEnergy to be a part of it because we have alot of underground infrastructure and because safety is a core value for our company."

Sask 1st Call enhances safety for people and businesses doing construction in Saskatchewan. They can request a line locate free of charge, either by calling a 1-800 phone number or submitting a request online, and within three business days any underground infrastructure will be marked using flags, stakes, or paint. If an area is marked, this is a clear signal to not dig in or obstruct the area.

Likewise, Sask 1st Call is a beneficial service for subscribing companies that have underground facilities, helping ensure those facilities are protected.

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Le 2 janvier 2003, la SaskEnergy a lancé sa campagne de prévention avec le message  « Appelez avant de creuser ».

« Il existe des entreprises de notification dans d'autres provinces comme l'Ontario et l'Alberta. Les entreprises qui ont traversé les frontières ont vraiment compris la nécessité d'avoir un centre de notification en Saskatchewan », a déclaré Shawn Fairman, directeur général, distribution et service à la clientèle, et vice-président du nouveau conseil d'administration du Sask 1st Call.

« Il était logique que SaskEnergy en fasse partie puisque nous avons beaucoup d'infrastructures souterraines, et parce que la sécurité est une valeur fondamentale de notre entreprise. »

Le Sask 1st Call améliore la sécurité des personnes et des entrepraises qui travaillent dans l'industrie de la construction en Saskatchewan. Elles peuvent demander une localisation de conduite gratuitement soit en appelant un numéro de téléphone 1-800 soit en soumettant une demande en ligne. Dans les trois jours ouvrables suivant cette demande, toute infrastructure souterraine sera marquée à l'aide de drapeaux, de piquets ou de peinture. Si une zone est marquée, il s'agit d'un signe clair que personne ne doit creuser ou obstruer la zone.

De plus, le Sask 1st Call offre un service avantageux pur les entreprises membres qui ont des infrastructures souterraines en assurant la protection de ces infrastructures.

Pour en savoir plus..

Vivax Canada
Olameter Inc.
The New Frontier is Underground
Vermeer Canada Inc.
Today, more than ever, the ability to make a big impact with a small footprint is critical. Trenchless expertise has never been in higher demand, and Vermeer MV Solutions is the new powerhouse in vacuum excavation technology and equipment. Everything we do, everything we make, is designed to help you get the job done right. Fast. Effectively. And efficiently.
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