Know What's Below
Accurate Subsurface Utility Mapping
PelicanCorp Canada®
Accurately map subsurface infrastructure and share with your office in seconds using Geolantis.360. Access critical project data—anytime, anywhere—even in remote areas.  

A vendor-agnostic solution that integrates with your choice of GNSS and RTK devices, Geolantis.360 automates post-processing work, saving your team valuable time.
Streamline Workflows & Map Utilities with Precision
Upcoming Events


The Canadian Common Ground Alliance is excited to hold its 2024 Damage Prevention Symposium in person at the Delta Regina, Nov. 4-6, 2024!

This is a signature event for the CCGA attracting over 200 damage prevention management professionals and decision makers from across Canada, including stakeholder groups such as municipalities, excavator contractors, oil and gas, telecommunications, electrical transmission/distribution, water and sewer, telecom, emergency management, surveyors, regulators, trenchless industries, one call centre members, utility locate service providers and administrators, engineers, insurance, risk management operations, and others who protect the underground infrastructure and impact damage prevention.

Join us for this dynamic and engaging event that is sure to provide practical, relevant information that will focus on damage prevention public awareness initiatives and expand stakeholder knowledge on efforts to protect essential infrastructure.

The format for the conference consists of two days of professional development, workshops, panel presentations, networking events, along with an exhibitor tradeshow.  All symposium sessions and additional details on this website are in English only.

Additional Symposium Details... 


Le Canadian Common Ground Alliance a le plaisir d'organiser en présentiel au Delta Regina son congrès 2024 sur la prévention des dommages du 4 au 6 novembre 2024 !

Cet événement phare du CCGA attire plus de 200 professionnels en prévention des dommages et décideurs provenant de tout le Canada, regroupant les différentes parties prenantes telles que les municipalités, les entrepreneurs en excavation, les propriétaires d'infrastructures (pipelines, gaz, télécommunications, transmission et distribution électrique, l'eau et les égouts), les arpenteurs-géomètres, les organismes réglementaires, les entreprises pratiquant les techniques sans tranchée, les centres d'appels, les localisateurs, les ingénieurs, les assurances, les opérations de gestion des risques et des urgences ainsi que toutes autres personnes protégeant les infrastructures souterraines ou ayant un impact sur la prévention des dommages.

Rejoignez-nous pour cet événement dynamique et captivant qui fournira des informations pratiques et pertinentes sur les initiatives de sensibilisation du public à la prévention des dommages et qui élargira les connaissances des parties prenantes sur les efforts visant à protéger les infrastructures essentielles.

Ce congrès comprend 2 jours de développement professionnel, d'ateliers, de panels, d'événements de réseautage ainsi qu'un salon des exposants.

Le programme et les détails supplémentaires sur ce site Web sont uniquement disponibles en anglais.

Détails supplémentaires du symposium...    

Reef Industries, Inc.
Locate Management Institute
National News

Source: ReNew Canada

In 1992, Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil brought together 172 governments, including Canada, and 2,400 non-governmental organization representatives to address global environmental and developmental challenges. As some readers may recall, with pride, Canada had a leading role in the 1992 Summit. 

Learn more..

Source: ReNew Canada

In a new report, the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) proposes four new approaches to investing the billions of dollars required to build supporting infrastructure for millions of new homes across Canada.

These recommendations should lower costs to homeowners, help mitigate risks for municipalities, capture value from infrastructure investments, and attract more public and private investment.

Learn more..

Source: Link2Build

Engineering work on two bridges between Ottawa and Gatineau is on the horizon now that Public Services and Procurement Canada has awarded the contracts.

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Source: On-Site Magazine

Canadian construction employers should brace for heat and smokey conditions this season. In recent years, widespread extreme heat has affected several regions. A notably dry winter in some areas has increased the likelihood of wildfires this summer. This means workers could face the risks of both extreme heat and smoke exposure.

Learn more...

Data and Insight to Manage Utility Risk
T2 Utility Engineers®
T2 Utility Engineers (T2ue) specializes in the professional investigation and analysis of above and below-ground utilities. We provide comprehensive Utility Engineering consulting services, including Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE), CCTV, and utility coordination to help reduce damage from improperly recorded utilities and unknowns.
Learn more or get in touch
Regional Partners

The signs of summer are everywhere with robins singing, flowers blooming, warmer weather, and, yes, construction!

In this season of new beginnings, a fictional new character has emerged from the prairie ground.

"His name is Dig Safe Doug," said Stephanie Pappas, marketing manager-customer communications. "Doug is a prarie dog born and raised in the fields of Grasslands National Park. He's now the voice of SaskEnergy, SaskPower, SaskTel, Saskatchewan Common Ground Alliance, and Sask 1st Call in encouraging safety and safe digging practices."

Bringing the public's attention to the importance of requesting line locates before they dig is nothing new. But market research showed that while awareness of the program was high, and locate requests were increasing, lines were still being hit and damaged.

Enter Doug, who will provide a fun approach to dig up greater attention to a serious topic.

Learn More.. 

Les signes que l'été est arrivé sont partout : les chants des merles, les fleurs qui fleurissent, le temps plus chaud et... les travaux de construction.

En cette saison de nouveaux commencements, un personnage fictif vient de naître parmi les plaines des Prairies.

«Son nom est Dig Safe Doug, a déclaré Stéphanie Pappas, directrice marketing - communication client. Doug est un chien de prairie né et élevé dans les champs du parc national des Prairies. Il est maintenant la voix de SaskEnergy, de SaskPower, de SaskTel, du Common Ground Alliance de la Saskatchewan et de Sask.1st Call. Il sert à promouvoir la sécurité et les pratiques d'excavation sécuritaires.»

La fait de souligner l'importance de faire des demandes de localisation de conduites avant de creuser n'est rien de nouveau. Cependant, les études de marché ont révélé que bien que la sensibilisation au programme ait été élevée et que les demandes de localisation aient augmenté, les lignes continuent d'être touchées et endommagées.

Doug offrira une approche ludique permettant d'accroître l'attention sur un sujet très sérieux.

Pour en savoir plus..

Vivax Canada
Olameter Inc.
The New Frontier is Underground
Vermeer Canada Inc.
Today, more than ever, the ability to make a big impact with a small footprint is critical. Trenchless expertise has never been in higher demand, and Vermeer MV Solutions is the new powerhouse in vacuum excavation technology and equipment. Everything we do, everything we make, is designed to help you get the job done right. Fast. Effectively. And efficiently.
Rent Now - Improve Efficiency
Committee News

On behalf of Canadian Common Ground Alliance board of directors, we wish to thank the Best Practices Committee, its chair, Mr. Gordon Campbell, and all Regional Partner Best Practices Committees, for their collaboration preparing and releasing version 5 of the CCGA Best Practices.

CCGA Best Practices Version 5.0