ACC Issues Statement on Rolling Back of EPA Regulations: President Trump Delivers on Another Campaign Promise

Washington, D.C. (March 28, 2017)  With the signing of an Executive Order, President Trump delivered on his pledge to help coal by lifting energy restrictions and canceling job-killing regulations. The remarks by President Trump and key members of his cabinet warmly acknowledged the contributions of our nation’s coal miners. They pledged to level the playing field and eliminate federal overreach.
President Trump called for an immediate re-evaluation of the "so-called" Clean Power Plan and a lifting of the ban on (federal) coal leasing.
Coupled with decisive steps already taken by this administration, today’s move signals a much-needed change in policy direction. It shows that America’s rich energy resources are valued once again. It recognizes that we can be pro-energy and pro-environment.  In short, it provides opportunity.
The American Coal Council appreciates President Trump’s efforts to restore balance and fairness to the regulatory process, support job creation, strengthen energy independence, and lay the foundation for rebuilding and sustaining our nation’s vital coal industry.