CDA/ACB Gazette

Regulatory Corner - March 2022

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Bill 102 An Act Mainly to Reinforce the Enforcement of Environmental and Dam Safety Legislation, to ensure the responsible management of pesticides and to implement certain measures of the 2030 Plan for a Green Economy concerning zero emission vehicles was re-introduced to the Quebec National Assembly on October 20, 2021 and has been subject to special consultations and public hearings.

Details on the proposed legislation including proposed amendments to the Dam Safety Act and other legislation are available at the following web link:



Dam Owners in Ontario will be interested to know that Ontario recently announced minor amendments to the Ontario Waterpower Class Environmental Assessment.  The amendments are generally focused on streamlining environmental screening processes for upgrades to existing waterpower facilities.  Further details on the amendments are available at the below web sites:


International (Australia)

In international regulatory news, CDA members may be interested to hear that the Audit Office of Australia’s State of Queensland released a December 2021 audit examining how the Queensland Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water collected and used information from dam owners to manage risks to dam safety.  The Audit Office provided a series of recommendations for consideration by the State of Queensland.

The audit is available at

CDA members will be aware that various provincial dam safety audits have been completed in recent years in British Columbia, Alberta and Quebec.


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