CDA/ACB Gazette

Member comments sought on Failure Modes Analysis, Next Generation Guidelines

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Two major initiatives have reached the stage where CDA needs additional member input.

FMA Part 1
A new Technical Bulletin on Failure Modes Analysis is being prepared, and the interim version of Part 1 has been released for member comment and to provide interim guidance.

Next Generation Guidelines
The CDA has begun an initiative called "Next Generation Guidelines" to review, update, and augment the set of Dam Safety Guidelines and associated Technical Bulletins that have been published since the last comprehensive revision in 2007.

A white paper has been released to facilitate review and discussion of the philosophy and direction of the NGG. The initiative is being led by the Dam Safety Committee in collaboration with other CDA Technical Committees (e.g., Mining Dams and the Committee on Regulation). The NGG initiative is expected to take several years, during which feedback and contributions will be sought from all CDA members.

Both of these documents are available HERE.


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