CDA/ACB Gazette
August 2015 août

CDA seeks volunteers to oversee Bulletin; Director for membership issues

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CDA has openings for two important volunteer positions in member communications and in membership development. 

The CDA Bulletin magazine – a key source of technical and association information for members and the Canadian dam industry as a whole – is organized by a volunteer committee. Allan Kirkham, who has chaired the committee for a number of years, is seeking to pass the torch. He promises to be available and supportive during the transition.

The Board of Directors has identified membership retention and recruitment, both individual and corporate, as being an important initiative for CDA which requires a dedicated volunteer to lead. The Board is looking to appoint a Director-at-Large (Membership) for 12 to 18 months. The new Director would be a member of the Board of Directors and would work with Regional Directors and CDA Executive Director Don Butcher to develop a more detailed understanding of the demographics of CDA’s current and potential members and their expectations of CDA; and to begin the process to broaden our representation within the dam industry.

For more information on these two positions, contact any member of the Board of Directors or Executive Director Don Butcher at


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