Dam Safety in The Americas – Oct. 26-28, 2016, Mexico City
The ICOLD National Committees of the Americas (INCA) will convene in Mexico City from October 26 to 28. This year’s theme is Dam Safety in the Americas. Leading experts will give presentations and lead discussions on the following topics:
•Dam Safety Regulation and Legislation
•Overtopping Case Studies
•Earth and Rockfill Dam Safety and Practice
•Hydraulic and Hydrologic Design Criteria
•Seismic Design Criteria
•Risk-informed Dam Safety
Simultaneous translation in Spanish and English will be offered.
The Symposium is hosted by The Engineering Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Conference activities will take place on the UNAM campus.
The Conference hotel is the Radisson Paraiso Perisur Hotel, just minutes from UNAM. The rate for INCA Conference participants is US$60 single or double, plus taxes. You are encouraged to make your reservations early as the room block rate is guaranteed only through August 31 or until the block fills. To make a reservation, please email Dennice Luna by email at
dluna@radisson.com.mx. Don’t forget to reference ICOLD-INCA in your email.