Papers invited for conference in Brazil, May 2017

The ICOLD National Committees of the Americas, of which CDA is a member, will be hosting a conference May 15 to 18, 2017 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

The program consists of three facets:
a)National Seminar on Large Dams (SNGB)
b)Seminar on Risk Management and Safety of Tailings Dams (SGBR)
c)International Symposium on Rockfill Dams (SIBE), in collaboration with the Chinese Committee on Large Dams (CHINCOLD) 

The Seminar on Tailings Dams may be of particular interest to some CDA members and it is consistent with CDA’s developing International Strategy and Plan.

Please visit this link to view the conference program (click on the Union Jack flag to enter the site).  You will then find a tab for information about submitting papers related to the Safety of Tailings Dams (click on: II SGBR).

The process for proposing a paper is laid out by selecting the "II SGBR Programming – Technical Papers" button. The organizers are eager to receive proposals/abstracts for papers to be presented in English, Spanish or Portuguese. The deadline for abstracts was November 30, 2016, but if you or your colleagues are interested submitting a paper or sending representatives to this event, you should immediately contact the organizers.

CDA members may also contact Clare Raska at, who is working on this on behalf of CDA’s International Committee.