Changes to CDA Board of Directors

There have been a few changes to the CDA Board of Directors in recent weeks.
Michel Dolbec has volunteered to serve as Acting Secretary-Treasurer until the next Annual General Meeting.  M. Dolbec is a long-standing CDA member and is currently a consultant with WSP Group following a long career with the Quebec government.

Herb Hawson, who was appointed to the Board of Directors with a special responsibility for membership, has resigned.  With an extensive business and personal travel scheduled for 2017, Mr. Hawson felt that he was not in a position to give the CDA Board the attention that it deserves and tendered his resignation. The Board thanks him for his service and wishes him well.

The Board has not yet determined if it will replace Mr. Hawson.  As Mr. Hawson was appointed by the Board and not elected by the membership, there is no obligation to appoint a replacement but the Board may find it advisable to do so.