CDA Call for Posters!

Please submit a summary of up to 500 words, in either English or French, using the new software for abstract / article management.

To submit your abstract via the new abstract/article management system, please follow these instructions:

Copy the link 
Create an account
Enter personal information (for poster presenter)
Copy and paste the summary

Deadlines for Poster Presenters

April 13, 2018:Abstracts due
May 11, 2018:Response from the Technical Committee
June 15, 2018:Confirm your intent to present a poster
September 14:Submission of poster file if you want it to be included on the USB key for delegates

The posters will be on display October 15 and 16. 

For additional information regarding poster submissions, please visit the CDA website or send an email to

The 2018 CDA Conference will be held in Quebec City between October 13 and 18.  For more information about the conference, please visit the CDA website.