DSR Workshop being held November 26 in Newfoundland

The Canadian Dam Association will be hosting a workshop to provide training on conducting Dam Safety Reviews (DSRs).  This workshop presents the concepts and process developed in the recently completed Technical Bulletin on DSRs.  In addition to working through the main features of the Technical Bulletin, a case study is introduced and attendees work through how to scope a dam safety review, how to work through the hazard-failure mode-control aspect of the safety analysis, and how to present the findings of a dam safety review.

Who should attend?
The workshop is aimed at dam owners, consultants and regulators who want to know what the Canadian Dam Association considers to be good practice for Dam Safety Reviews.

Monday, November 26

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Conference Room A (basement level)
Confederation Building- West Block
1 Prince Philip Drive
St. John's, NL A1B 3R4

$365 for CDA members
$395 for non-members

**Cost includes lunch, breaks and a detailed workshop binder.

Note: The CDA Technical Bulletin on Dam Safety Reviews is not required but is recommended. Please bring your copy with you. If you do not have a copy but wish to purchase one, you can do so from "Shop CDA " on the CDA website, www.cda.ca; a limited supply will be available on site at the workshop for purchase.

Space is limited, so individuals should register early!  To register, please visit the CDA website.