CDA 2019 Call for Abstracts – Papers and Posters

The technical committee of CDA 2019 has now issued its Call for Abstracts for papers and posters. The theme for the 2019 conference is The Changing Influences on Dams. Authors should focus on challenges in dam design, construction and rehabilitation practices due to changes in environmental, technological, social, economic and regulatory requirements.

Technical Themes include:
* Changes in environmental loading - precipitation, flooding, and seismicity including induced seismicity
* Influence of regulatory changes on dams throughout their lifecycle
* Operational considerations in dam safety
* Mining dams including oil sands dams - decommissioning and closure
* Stakeholder engagement and risk communication
* Implementing advanced technologies in dam design, construction, operations and rehabilitation

Important Dates
Abstract submission – January 31, 2019
Abstract acceptance notification – March 1, 2019
Draft paper due – June 1, 2019
Final paper due – August 16, 2019
CDA 2019 – October 6 to 10 (Calgary, AB)

How to Submit
If you have any questions or you’re ready to submit, email or visit the CDA website.