CDA is Moving – Virtually!

We have exciting news – CDA is moving to a new webserver with a new website and database.  This is a heads’ up that the transition will happen early in the summer! While lots of planning is going into the move, as with any transition in life, this may not be without its bumps. In order to minimize these, we’re going to implement a phased approach over the first month and we’ll keep you posted on progress or changes.

A few things you can look for:

When the new site is fully operational, we’ll be emailing you instructions on setting a new password – to protect your security, these were not stored on the current site’s database and will not be stored on the new site either.

On the new site, you’ll have the opportunity to indicate areas of dam safety that interest you. This will help us develop content and training that’s relevant to you in your career, so you can benefit more from your membership in CDA.

We’re thrilled at this opportunity to increase the value of your CDA membership and we hope you find it beneficial. Keep watching your email for further updates!