Reminder of important Survey: Critical Review of "Dam Safety Guidelines" and Technical Bulletins

The Dam Safety Committee (DSC) is currently reviewing the Canadian Dam Association's current (2013) version of the main Dam Safety Guidelines and the various related technical bulletins that support them. To this end, the DSC has put out a questionnaire aimed at receiving technical feedback on these very important documents. While select sections of the guidelines were revised in 2013, the vast majority of the guidelines and technical bulletins are as published in 2007. Given the importance of this guidance to the entire Dam Safety Community across Canada, it is imperative that a broad cross section of the CDA membership is engaged on this topic and the success of this engagement is contingent on the thoughtful input from those using the guidelines. To learn more and to complete the questionnaire, we invite you to access this link

Please note that this survey is open to members only. When you click on the link above, you will need to enter your credentials.