Candidates Sought for Vacancies on Board of Directors

CDA is pleased to announce the annual call for nominations for the CDA Board of Directors. The nominations period is open from July 4 to August 14. The Canadian Dam Association relies on volunteers like you to lead the Association by serving on the Board of Directors.

The Board is responsible for the effective management of CDA. It sets strategy, develops programs for members’ benefit, provides due diligence and oversight to staff, ensures members’ rights are upheld, and has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure the CDA’s resources are used appropriately.

Elections are held annually to fill open positions on the Board. The following positions need to be filled for terms beginning at the 2023 Annual General Meeting this October.

All directors are expected to attend and participate in regular Board meetings. The meetings are currently held monthly as a virtual meeting and in-person in the spring, and at the annual conference. This year, we had two in-person meetings (October 2022 and May 2023) and regular virtual meetings in other months. Directors are expected to be supported by their companies for these meetings.

To submit a nomination, please visit the Governance page, where you can complete and submit the nomination form.