Are you having issues receiving our emails?

Are you having issues receiving our emails?

It might be your firewall!

We want you to stay in-the-know and up-to-date with all of our exciting events, announcements, and other membership opportunities, and that means you need to be able to receive our emails!

Here are some handy tips to make sure your firewall doesn't block you from receiving our messages!

  1. You can prevent CDA emails from ending up in your spam folder by adding our email addresses to your contact list

To do this, you'll need to check your spam or junk mail folder within your email account. If you see a CDA email, find the sender email address, and simply add it to your list of contacts!

Email addresses we commonly use to send CDA emails include:

  1. Safelist our email addresses in your security firewall program

If you have added CDA email addresses to your contacts and you are still unable to receive our emails, you may need to safe-list the email addresses in your security program.

Check out your security program's support section for specific info on how to do this!

  1. Safelist Constant Contact URLs and IP Addresses in your Security Program

If you have added our email addresses to your contacts and added them to your security program's safelist but are still not receiving our emails, you may need to add Constant Contact's URLs and IP Addresses to your security program's safelist as well.

Constant Contact is what we use to send our eCorrespondence to all of our members. It allows us to send emails to large groups of people at one time and is perfectly safe to safelist.

Add these URLs to your security program's safe list to ensure you will receive CDA''s emails:

You may also need to safelist these IP Addresses:

With these three simple tips, you should be able to start receiving all of CDA's emails and stay up-to-date with everything we have going on!