Support CDA – Put Your Name Forward for the Board of Directors!

The Canadian Dam Association is pleased to announce the annual call for nominations for the CDA Board of Directors is open from June 14 to July 15. We rely on you, our volunteers, to move the Association forward and provide leadership by serving on the Board of Directors.

CDA’s effective management of is the responsibility of the Board.  It sets strategy, identifies and develops programs to benefit members, ensures members’ rights are upheld, provides oversight to staff, does due diligence in decision-making, and has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure the CDA’s resources are used appropriately. Exercising these responsibilities not only helps CDA, but it provides you with skills that will be useful in your career.

Elections are held annually to fill open positions on the Board.  The following positions need to be filled for terms beginning at the 2024 Annual General Meeting this September.

Attendance and participation in our regular Board meetings is vital – it is the primary way the Board exercises its management and governance responsibilities. The Board meets virtually every month, and has in-person meeting at the annual conference.  This year, we had two in-person meetings (October 2023 and June 2024) and regular virtual meetings in other months.  Directors are expected to be supported by their companies for these meetings.

To submit a nomination, please visit the Governance page, where you can complete and submit the nomination form starting June 14.