Past Issues | Advertise | October 4, 2013

THETA Chapter Report

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Theta Chapter Meeting Minutes

DATE: Wednesday September 18, 2013

TIME: 1:30 – 3:00pm EST (sign in 1:15 – 1:30)

LOCATION: OTN Event # 28031252

Recorded by: Jeffrey Phelps Secretary Theta Chapter CSAO

Please post in your department and invite ICP, OR and Endoscopy

Member Attendance is to be sent to Jeffery Phelps

Evaluation Forms are to be faxed to Colleen Landers 705-267-2028





Meeting called to Order 1:35pm By Colleen Landers

Colleen welcomed all members and non members. Announced the distribution of Theta bags as complete for those who registered prior to Sept. as an incentive. She announced that we have 89 members and broke the membership down to centres.

Colleen on behalf of Nancy


Adoption of the minutes for April 10, 2013 meeting

Moved By: Tammy Benardo Second: Donna Froud

Colleen on behalf of Nancy


Membership 2013/2014

New membership forms are available on the website

Colleen explained the following Membership Incentives:

Theta Chapter Members who attend the first three education meetings for the 2013/2014 education year, September 18th, November 6th , Feb 12th will be eligible to attend the Annual Conference 2014. 2 names will be drawn. Draw is conference and expenses up to $1,000.00

Successful Recertification Students who are members, who have attended the 3 of the meetings mentioned above will be eligible for a $300.00 reimbursement. Please submit your name and a copy of your receipt and new certificate. 3 names will be drawn.



Education Update

Colleen announced the following:

a) Classroom Course: May 7th, 8th, 9th, & 10th 2014

Location: Being held by Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) with host site location: Timmins, along with OTN remote site locations: Thunder Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay and Barrie. Colleen also stressed early registration because the course fills fast and if you miss it you will have to go to another chapter for the course.

B. Colleen announced that we will be holding an Education day again in 2014 as well as 2015 due to member requests It will be on April 12 2014 at the Best Western in North Bay. All information including but not limited to the agenda is available on the web site at

Colleen explained the cost for Theta members at Techs $30.00 Mgrs. $40.00 non members at and other chapter members at $70.00. If you are a paid 2013/14 Theta member your $30.00 cost for the Education day will pay for your 2014/15 membership so in effect the day is free. Non members the cost includes a hospitality night Friday April 11 2014, a continental breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Colleen said that we now have 21 vendors on board for this event. She also touched on the topics briefly. She asked for questions and heard none. All information is at under Theta Chapter.

All CSAO members, Non members, are welcome.



Newsletter – The Theta Chapter Newsletter is emailed to all members quarterly. Please submit any articles or events occurring at your sites to Michelle Bellefeuille at Colleen explained that if you have not paid your membership then this is the last Theta newsletter you will receive from us. She asked if there were any submissions or questions for the newsletter please submit them to Michelle at the above mentioned e-mail address. This is a member's newsletter and your input is very important to us. The newsletter is an e-mail only one so it is very important to give us a correct e-mail so that we can get it to you.



CSAO Executive and conference report: Theta Representative

Submitted and is attached as an annex to these minutes.

Colleen asked if I wanted to comment on the strategic planning process that the CSAO is currently undertaking with Chris Ward and I stated the as soon as I have something to report then I will present it to you but we have not yet begun to analyze the surveys and other information yet. We intend to have a Mission Statement, short term and long term strategy and focus in place in the new year. We will keep you posted.



Treasurer's Report will be attached as an annex to these minutes.





Education: Manufacturer's Instructions presented by Colleen Landers

Submission by Jeffrey Phelps is attached as an annex as well as a brochure for the online manufactures instructions that Tammy talked about.

Colleen Landers


Next Education Session – November 6th Monitor and Recall, presented by Marta McBurney from 3M

Event Id # 28031520, hospitals can self register through your OTN coordinator or email Nancy Aelick with your site# & system #



Adjournment: 3:00pm

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