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October 2020

President's Report

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Fellow MDRAO members and guests.

It has been a very interesting ride this year and into the fall. Just when we thought that Covid was on the decline enough for us to hold our AGM (Annual General Meeting), Covid reared its ugly head with a vengeance and we are now back to square one. We are exploring other options to be able to present the AGM to you, it just may be by email or a Zoom type format. Please stay tuned.

It is unfortunate that we could not properly introduce our new board members to you, but rest assured they are all slowly being introduced to their new portfolios and partners. The MDRAO has been doing lots in the background with our new learning module and rolling the costs for online courses and exams into one price. We are exploring new ways to bring education sessions to you and the possibility of a conference next fall, Covid permitting, and look forward to returning to normal. Whatever that might be or look like post-Covid.

We ask you to stay vigilant, wash your hands frequently, wear a mask in public, practice safe social distancing, and stay safe and healthy for your clients and most importantly your family. I again on behalf of the executive thank you for allowing us to serve.



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