Michael Lacatus - Past President

CSAO – Past President’s Report

Although, on surface, my activity and the direct involvement in the association’s on going activities may not appear too intense, in my opinion, the impact to our upcoming annual conference is substantial.

One of my goals for this last reporting period was to ensure that all of our manufacturers, vendors and distributors received their conference application package. Not surprisingly at all, some didn’t or in some other cases the package was delivered to someone else in the organization. With a bit of effort and a lot of perseverance, I managed to bring up to date all the businesses that I contacted. This will ensure participation from some very important partners who might have accidentally been left out in the previous years. At the same time, they were all reminded of our silent auction with the hope that they will all contribute to it and engage in the final process.

The second major goal was to ensure that every member, whether participating in the annual conference or not, is aware of our constitutional amendments year. I drafted an explanatory letter that will be made available to our members with the intention of creating the environment for a clear understanding of the constitutional amendments process and adherence to it. Green and red voting signs have also been purchased and will be used during the annual meeting.

In summary, aside from the occasional help and support to the executive group, this was the abbreviated activity.

Have a safe and wonderful summer.

Michael Lacatus
CSAO –Past President