Lorna Coutoulas - President


By: Lorna Coutoulas

As a profession our focus is on patient safety through the correct reprocessing of medical devices. In today’s hospitals the operating mantra is no different than for the majority of organizations: do more with less. Yet in Medical Device Reprocessing Departments, doing more with less cannot mean cutting corners that would compromise patient safety. That’s why it is so important for all reprocessing staff to stay up to date on the latest procedures and processes.

Education is critical to job performance, whether through C.S.A.O. classroom certification/recertification, CSA certification or other Medical Device Reprocessing courses. All of these training options are available through your association. Please visit us online at http://www.csao.net and click on "Education" for more information.

Educational opportunities are also available through our vendors, who educate staff about new developments in the field of medical device reprocessing. We thank our vendors for their support and valuable assistance!

I would like to remind you to save a couple of upcoming dates. First, please join us from September 12-13 in Toronto for the 2011 C.S.A.O. conference, "Fundamental Reprocessing—Applications and Monitoring Quality." As you will see in the pages of this publication, we’ve lined up some top notch speakers, and we are excited about this year’s conference! It promises to provide valuable educational content while delivering many opportunities for professional networking. Please see our website for the conference agenda and registration information.

I have had the honor of being a part of the Medical Device Reprocessing Advisory Panel (MDRAP) Group. We have quality discussions at the meetings on all issues around Medical Device reprocessing in healthcare and it is a pleasure to work with such professionals. There has been much discussion across the country re a National voice for Canada. I am very excited that there is some movement in that direction and hopefully I will be able to give you some news that we have all been waiting for.

Finally, the third full week of October (17th – 21st) is "Central Service Week," which is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the accomplishments of Medical Device reprocessing departments across North America. Managers and their teams are encouraged to plan an open house to educate hospital staff about the importance of the work we do and its direct effect on patient care. 

I look forward to meeting many of you at the C.S.A.O. annual conference in September. Until then, I wish you a safe and happy summer!