THETA Chapter Report

 Theta Chapter Presidents Annual Report 2013 – Nancy Aelick


We currently have 128 members in the Theta Chapter.

This year we hosted 4 meetings through OTN followed with Education Presentations

* September 5, 2012, Water Quality, presented by Michelle Bellefeuille

* November 7, 2012 – Flexible Scopes, presented by Jodi Carroll from Vantage Endoscopy

* February 6, 2013 – Basics of Reprocessing, presented by Ian Pequegnat from Steris

* April 10, 2013 – Instrument Management Systems, presented by Roy DeMederios from Getinge

Newsletter – we e-mail all members a quarterly newsletter in September, November, February and April. This newsletter provides the Theta Chapter with upcoming events, meetings, education, CSA Standard updates, what's going on at the chapter as well as at the provincial level, and loads of valuable information and articles, to help us in our daily routines and the work we provide to our facilities.

On April 26th and 27th 2013, we hosted our Fourth Theta Education Day at the Best Western Hotel in North Bay. We host this event every two years, and this year we had 42 delegates.Topics included:

Infection Control Issues in MDRD, Lori Boyer, ICP

Quality System for Drapes, Gowns and Wrappers, C. Landers

Flexible Scopes- Difficulty cleaning & storage, Jodi Carroll

Review of Basic Reprocessing, Michelle Bellefeuille,

Sterilization Quality Systems, Marta McBurney 3M


Members who attend the first three meetings in September, November and February are eligible to attend the Annual Conference. We draw two names for this member incentive. We cover registration, hotel, meals and gas with receipts up to a maximum of $1000.00 (includes conference fees).

This year's successful recipients are Elise Jolivet Levesque and Mary-Jo Roy.

Successful Recertification Students who are members and who have attended the three consecutive meetings mentioned above are eligible for a $300.00 reimbursement. Recipients provide their name, a copy of their receipt and a copy of their new certificate. Three names are drawn. To date the successful recipients are Jeffery Phelps & Elise Jolivet Levesque.


We currently have 105 students registered for this years' Classroom Course, May 8–11, 2013. Sites for this course being held through Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) are: Timmins, Thunder Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, Orillia, New Market and Weeneebayko.


As mentioned above, this year we are sending two members to the Annual Conference, Elise Jolivet Levesque & Mary-Jo Roy.

We are also covering registration, hotel, meals and gas for two of the executive Colleen Landers and Tammy Bennardo for the Annual Conference. Nancy Aelick and Jeffery Phelps are covered by the Provincial Executive.

2013 – 2014 YEAR

Proposed Dates and topics for the 2013 – 2014 Education Sessions:

September 11, 2013 – Manufacturers Instructions

November 6, 2013 – Sterilizer Monitoring and Recall

February 12, 2014 - Verification

April 9, 2014 – OR/CS Relations

The 2014 Classroom Course will be held May 7–10 and sites include Timmins, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, North Bay, Orillia/Barrie and Sault Ste. Marie.