GAMMA Chapter Report

The Gamma Chapter News:
We had a meeting in Napenee on November 7, 2013. It was not a great turn out from that part of the chapter. We talked about the conference, what we liked and what we would like changed. We felt that it was a better conference than what we have had in a couple of years. The speakers were very interesting. We have to find a way to bring people back as membership numbers are down. I would like you to look at the C.A.F.E web page to see the type of speakers they get to talk at their yearly conference. They give you lots to think about.
We talked about how we can get people to be part of the chapter and what do they get from the chapter. We also talked about the filling of the officers in the upcoming elections.
We had golf shirts made up for the Gamma chapter, and we will be selling them for $30 each. This would be a nice way to show off the chapter and what you do for a living.

Gamma Chapter would like to wish everyone a very happy new year!

David Bobier