Louis Konstant - Director of Communications and Editor of CSAO eNewsletter

Greetings to All

This time of the year marks the closing few weeks of the membership year as well as the end of the two-year term for elected provincial and chapter officials. Much great work has been done by many at all levels and it will be farewell to a few and welcoming some new faces into these groups. There are many exciting initiatives ahead in the CSAO strategy over the next couple of years. They involve many important areas such as recognition and respect for our profession, positioning of CSAO for the future and our role in providing education in the future. Input will be required by all in order to make this process a true reflection of the members' needs and a success.

The CSAO's goals will continue to be to concentrate our efforts in developing and growing in the following areas:
Communication (internal and external), recognition and image building, and education. We are developing strategic plans to improve communications, promote our image and to sustain current, as well as build additional educational resources. Through this, the CSAO will position itself as an active and viable voice for reprocessing departments nationally.

The CSAO vision shall be to provide the members of the Association and health care facilities with organized educational opportunities, professional development, a forum for information exchange and member services in response to member identified needs and priorities, and to represent members in the professional community. Visit us at http://www.csao.net/.

This eNewsletter will provide updates and information from the Executive Committee, Chapter Reports and other articles and links related to standards, conferences and educational opportunities.

Please let me know if you have any ideas to add to any upcoming eNewsletters.
